10th June 2019

Hamlins walks for justice

On Monday 17 June a team of Hamlins walkers will take on the 10km Legal Walk around London to raise money for London Legal Support Trust which funds free legal advice charities across the South East.

The London Legal Walk follows a scenic route around the city and attracts thousands from all corners of the legal community. Last year over 13,000 people participated and raised an impressive £830,000. This year the Hamlins team is our biggest yet, with 32 staff members rising to the challenge to take to the streets and raise a significant amount for the worthwhile legal cause.

If you would like to sponsor the Hamlins team, please donate now at: Hamlins Legal Walk Donation Page.

See the London Legal Support Trust  to find out more about the fantastic work it does ensuring access to justice in our community.

Hamlins walks for justice


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