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Fraud disputes and worldwide freezing orders

For victims of fraud, it is vital to act quickly with the first couple of days often significant. We can assist with freezing assets or seizing assets and the immediate response is critical.

To preserve finances ahead of making a claim, we act quickly to locate or freeze assets.

We have robust relationships with leading fraud KCs and investigators, which allow us to assist with all aspects of the fraud case and we can apply for Worldwide Freezing Orders, search and seize orders or disclosure orders, requiring provision of information from third parties.

Recent work includes:

  • Represented an American e-commerce company following the hacking of a director’s email account which resulted in the loss of over USD100,000. We were successful in obtaining an early freezing order and a banker’s book order which led to the tracing of fraudulent payments and funds being returned to the client.
  • Acted for a claim worth c. £15k for damages arising from a restaurant partnership, whereby our client sought monies believed to be overcharged by the defendant.
  • We acted for a defendant in relation to a £50m fraud/share ownership agreement where the claimant sought to transfer ownership of the company from our client and rely upon a declaration of trust. We obtained expert evidence to discredit the declaration of trust and obtained a favourable settlement for our client.
  • Advised on a successful injunction application for a freezing order and a subsequent professional negligence claim against a firm of solicitors and a claim for an indemnity from the Land Registry. As a result, the clients were able to make a full recover (including costs) of the £500,000 that had erroneously been paid to fraudsters.
  • We have advised on potential insolvency and possible available claims, including wrongful or fraudulent trading, transactions at an undervalue and misfeasance claims.