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Trade marks: World Intellectual Property Organization reduces fees for single application

Trade marks: World Intellectual Property Organization reduces fees for single application

What is WIPO and what is the Madrid Protocol?

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has an international trade mark system called the Madrid Protocol.

Using the Madrid Protocol allows you to file a single trade mark application, in one language, and pay one set of fees to gain protection in up to 130 territories. The alternative is filing applications on a territory-by-territory basis. Therefore, by filing under the Madrid Protocol, you save time, money, avoid additional translation fees and avoid hiring a representative in each country.

Reduction in fees

WIPO has recently announced a useful reduction to the Madrid Protocol fees. The reduced fees will apply to international trade marks filed or renewed under the Madrid Protocol which designate the UK on or after 12 July 2023.

From 12 July, the amounts of the individual fee payable when the UK is designated in an application, is subsequently designated or in respect of a renewal, will be as outlined in this Madrid Protocol fee overview - July 2023 document .

If you are a global brand seeking protection of your brand, filing a trade mark under the Madrid Protocol represents a cost- and time-effective way to achieve broad protection, and this latest change makes it even more cost-effective.

At Hamlins, we advise our clients on the global protection and exploitation of intellectual property assets. If you would like a conversation about how we can assist you, please get in touch.